Imani keeps God first, lives & breathes encouragement.
She has developed & perfected her skillset in Marketing as well as going the extra mile in taking care of her Customers.
A lot of people will describe Imani as a ball of energy & that has been the story for more than two decades.
Her energy is here to elevate & uplift not just businesses but hopefully, most people she encounters.
One of her main goals is to help Entrepreneurs create/find their Significant Impact & then 10X it so they can become Omnipresent. She does that by teaching businesses how to market themselves & by providing marketing services. She also graduated from the Certified Advertising Geneius Program & holds a number of certifications from Cardone University & helps Entrepreneurs take their businesses to the next level.
What she desires most is to Empower others so that they are equipped with the right tools & resources when it comes to making sure that they do not end up in the 96% of businesses that fail within its first 10 years. She has gone through the pain so that no one else has to.
She's a radical woman willing to push through the limitations & make the right kind of noise that will actually create change for the better & is serving the Purpose God has called her to do. To semi-quote Jay Z “She's not a businesswoman, she IS a business.
Imani is an Expert in Inspiration, an Authority in creating Opportunities & has amassed a ton of Views & even more a ton of great Relationships online across the world!
Her Customers have left their 9-5, gone viral, held lives & webinars & are making money from what they do from her teachings.
To see some of her Customers, click here!
:: Who is Priceless Faith Productions? ::
Imani Antoinette Allen is the very essence of Who PFP is. The name Imani is of the African Swahili origin & it means Faith. The name Antoinette is of the French & Latin origin. It means Priceless. Tigers are one of her favorite animals & just like its stripes, each design is custom. Priceless Faith Productions is literally a person God breathed Life into who lives to create!
:: What is Priceless Faith Productions? ::
PFP is a multi-media production company that creates moments, memories, & media that can be shared for Businesses. We also have created a line of clothing that features original designs that speak directly to the controversies people who live in North America experience everyday. Not only that, she has also created a line of coloring pages as well as coloring books & stickers. There really is an impact that everyone can make in positive ways. PFP is a Company that was born of God so PFP only claims clean productions. We believe in operating in high quality from start to finish. We are a Customer Service Business & we believe in making sure every single Company whom we come in contact with will leave satisfied with our services. If you as the customer is ever unsatisfied, we will work together to find a solution to your satisfaction. We will correct any issues that arise because there always is a way.
:: When was PFP created? ::
Priceless Faith Productions has been in the works since the year of 2005, it just didn’t have a name. Back in her last year of Middle School, Imani wrote a few commercials & she knew she wanted to make various Productions Professionally.
“There were a lot of products Imani saw & she would ask me ‘are you gonna get that?’ (referring back to the commercial & stating why I should get the item)” says Jana Allen (Mother). “She would take each commercial literally,” Jana added. When Imani was asked what she wanted to be, it was Yvonya Wise who told her the exact words that summed up everything she wanted to do. A Multimedia Producer!
:: Where did PFP begin? ::
PFP began in her hometown Springfield, Massachusetts & got her DBA in Houston which kicked off the business.
:: Why was PFP created? ::
PFP was created for the sole purpose of creating. We Love living our lives by creativity!
Office Hours:
M-F 10am - 6pm
Saturday 11am - 2pm
Sunday: Closed